Tosun Baba's Jum`ah Khutba (February 13, 2015) - Freedom is an illusion
Tosun Baba's Jum`ah Khutba - February 13, 2015
All of Allah hu ta'ala's creation is in constant rememberance and awe of him. But we humans think we are free.
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Tosun Baba's Jum`ah Khutba - February 13, 2015
All of Allah hu ta'ala's creation is in constant rememberance and awe of him. But we humans think we are free.
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Tosun Baba's Sohbet - January 24, 2015
Jihad-i-Kabir is the greater jihad, the battle against ones own nafs al-`ammarah.
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Tosun Baba's Jum`ah Khutba - January 23, 2015
On Jihad-i-Kabir, the greater jihad, which is battle against ones own nafs al-`ammarah.
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Tosun Baba's Sohbet - December 31 2014
Thoughts on the new year and the passage of time.
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Yurdaer Baba's Sohbet - December 27, 2014
On the life of Hadhrat `Isa (as) and what we can learn from him.
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Tosun Baba's Sohbet- October 11, 2014
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Tosun Baba's Khutba for (September 26, 2014)
Tosun Baba's Khutba for (September 19, 2014)
Yurdaer Baba's Sohbet- September 13, 2014
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Tosun Baba's Khutba for (July 28, 2014)