
By Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi, Translated by Muhtar Holland, Preface by Seyyed Hossein Nasr

"Admirable translation sharp English style comes across to modern people while preserving the dignity of the original a telling presentation of the central elements of Islamic faith a relevant commentary on the events of our own time should be on the recommended reading list of all English Muslims. " - Association of British Muslims

"Conveys the essential message of Sufism and its wisdom for human behavior Muhtar Holland, one of the best translators into English. has made this especially readable " - Link International Islamic Newsletter

Regarded by many as the most important work in Islamic spirituality of our time, the lrshad appears for the first time in English translation. The work charts the Sufi spiritual path and discipline through discourse and dialogue, story and prayer, scriptural commentary and spontaneous mystical teachings in worship and action. The spirit of the work is reflected in the words of the author:

O my Generous Master' You created this servant of Yours and brought him into being from a drop of water I do not even have the right to say I love You, and yet I do love You. I always remember You I know that even my being able to remember. You is also due to Your guidance. My mentioning Your Name of Majesty left me drunk, bewildered, and amazed. Is it possible to imagine anyone in this world loving the Divinity and not becoming intoxicated with such affection ? So great a blessing is affection that even if its possessor should stray into the wilderness, the fire of his love would not allow him to feel the heat of the desert. Should the lover fall into the fire, the heat of his love would extinguish that fire. The fire of love would cause the poles and glaciers to melt. If mountains and boulders were piled upon the back of the lover, the fire of his love would prevent his feeling the weight of the load. Affection makes a person forget about hunger and thirst, and keeps him on the road of love.
ISBN-13: 978-1879708006 - PIR PRESS
Zinatu-l-Qulub by Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi
Translated from Turkish by Muhtar Holland and Sixtina Friedrich

Sources in Western languages deal with Sufism from a variety of perspectives. One might say that the works are written either by "outsiders" or "insiders." The insiders speak, or claim to speak, on behalf of the Sufi tradition itself. One of the best of them is Sheikh Muzaffer. His works demonstrate that integral Islam is still very much alive. The present work is basically a handbook for practitioners of the Halveti-Jerrahi Sufi Order. But anyone interested in Sufism on any level will find it useful. Members of other Sufi orders, and Muslims in general, will find a wealth of practical instruction on how to live their lives in a way that is pleasing to God. Serious seekers from all traditions will find many examples of Islam's intimate kinship with their own paths. Scholars will find an excellent and authoritative contemporary expression of teachings that are often relegated to dusty manuscripts. General readers curious about Islam will find an antidote against the reports in the media. - From the Introduction
ISBN 1-879708-01-9 - PIR PRESS
By Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi

In the tradition of the great Sufi Masters throughout the centuries, Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak was an ecstatic poet in the manner of Rumi and Kabir, and he speaks with the full force of conviction and experience.

His is the poetry of faith, informed by thought and observation no doubt, but it is also a faith whose roots reach hack through the ages, finding their source in the very life and times of the Prophet Muhammad. Sheikh Muzaffer's poetic themes all reflect his passion for the Divine. Time and again he reminds us that we belong unhesitatingly and unswervingly on the Path of Truth, that we are faced with the challenge of our own human destiny, that of becoming pilgrims on the way to God. - From the Foreword
ISBN-13: 978-1879708020 - PIR PRESS
By Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi

The Garden of Dervishes is one of those rare books which unites two extremes of spirituality, devotional love and esoteric scholarship, through both the person and the teachings of its author, Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak. The author reveals the richness and power of the Sufi tradition in a manner consistent with life in our own day and age, while at the same time remaining true to its historic roots.
ISBN-13: 978-1879708037 - PIR PRESS
By Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi

The Unveiling of Love is the inspired work of an enlightened master of the Sufi Way. Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak was the renowned spiritual leader of the Halveti-Jerrahi Order of Dervishes in Istanbul and in the U.S., as well as other countries in the West.

For the dervish, passionate and ecstatic adoration for the Divine Beloved illuminates both the heart and the mind. With the help of poems, traditional teaching stories and brief passages from the Koran, Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak unveils the meaning of spiritual affection and explores the relationsilip of lover and beloved.
ISBN-13: 978-1879708150 - PIR PRESS
By Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi

The author of this work, Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak, passed from the visible world in 1985. He is a Waliullah, or intimate friend of Allah, as saints are referred to in Islamic tradition. Islam has proven to be an overflowing fountain of these indescribable friends of God, both recognized and unrecognized. The profound Islamic veneration of the Virgin Mary is certainly part of the explanation for this remarkable flourishing of mystics. This small volume presents an inspired litany of praise to the Virgin Mary.

This long prose-poem is a spiritual seed which will be sown in the heart of the sympathetic reader with palpable initiatory power. A mystical virgin birth will then occur within the receptive heart - a miraculous birth of purity and illumination, comparable to the experience of the blessed Mary. - From the Foreword
ISBN-13: 978-1879708044 - PIR PRESS
By Sheikh Tosun Bayrak Al-Jerrahi Al-Halveti

A contemporary presentation of the 99 divine attributes or names of God according to the Islamic Sufi tradition. In this volume, Tosun Bayrak explains how to use these Names for the transformation of the soul into its original and primordial nature.
ISBN-13: 978-1887752299 - Fons Vitae
By Shihabuddun Yahaya al-Suhrawardi, Interpreted by Sheikh Tosun Bayrak Al-Jerrahi Al-Halveti

This treatise on the nature and levels of the human soul considers the limitations of human senses and our true or theomorphic essence; the various realms or Centers, including Absolute Mind as well as Ordinary Mind and Divine Mind; the nature of firmaments; and the meaning of pleasure and pain.
ISBN-13: 978-1887752152 - Fons Vitae
By Ibn Arabi, Interpreted by Sheikh Tosun Bayrak Al-Jerrahi Al-Halveti

The Tree of Being (Shajarat al-Kawn in Arabic) is a work by Ibn Arabi, interpreted by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak who also includes here two other short works . Ibn Arabi (1165-1240) knew and influenced the great men of his time, including Ibn Rushd (Averroes), Jalaluddin Rumi and Suhrawardi, and his influence spread beyond the Islamic world to medieval Europe. Dante shows the influence of Ibn Arabi in the Divine Comedy for example.The book has four sections. First is the interpreter's introduction which includes a biography of Ibn Arabi and a discussion of his approach to Sufism. The second concerns Ibn Arabi's devotion to the Prophet Muhammad as the perfect man and gives a description of his character and actions. Third is a listing of the 201 names and attributes of the Prophet. The fourth is an interpretation of The Tree of Being a commentary on the mystical elements of the Qur'an and Islam comprising an inspired description of the cosmos and the perfect man as microcosm.
ISBN-13: 978-1901383119 - Archetype
By Gregory Blann

The Garden of Mystic Love: The Origin and Formation of the Great Sufi Orders is Volume I of a history of Sufism from the time of the Prophet Muhammad to the beginning of the 20th-century, with an emphasis on the Turkish Sufi legacy and the path of the Halveti-Jerrahi Order. Written from a Sufi perspective, this account of the "religion of the heart" is nothing less than an education in Sufi spirituality, full of stories, teachings, poetry, and the lives of the great Sufi masters.
ISBN: 0692228616 - Albion-Andalus Books
By Imam Birgivi, Interpreted by Sheikh Tosun Bayrak Al-Jerrahi Al-Halveti

The Path of Muhammad is the first complete translation of a classic work on the ideal Islamic society as it existed during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, providing the reader with an authentic portrait of the beauty and depth of traditional Islam.
ISBN: 1933316942 - World Wisdom
By Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi Al-Halveti, Edited by Robert Frager

This book presents an intoxicating mix of essays to satisfy the spiritual thirst of those with long experience in Islam, as well as those encountering Sufism and the meaning of spiritual love for the first time. Themes including generosity, faith, self-knowledge, patience and love are developed with stories and teachings by Turkish Sufi master Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak. A mesmerising storyteller, master teacher, and prolific author in his native country, he was ideally suited to bring the richness of the Sufi tradition to the West. The chapters of this book, skilfully edited and compiled by the psychologist and Sufi teacher Dr Robert Frager, were derived from talks given during Sheikh Muzafffer's visits to New York and California over the last years of his life. Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak understood Westerners as almost no Sufi master before him has. His religious bookshop in Istanbul attracted hundreds of Western seekers visiting Turkey. In his travels, he initiated hundreds of Americans and Europeans into the Halveti Jerrahi Order, interpreted their dreams, and answered their questions about everything from theology and mysticism to marriage and earning a living. These stories and teachings are memorable, yet highly enigmatic, and meant to be told and retold. Like great spiritual parables, the themes are universal and their applications ageless. The astute reader will appreciate new levels of meaning in these profound teaching tales with each reading. "Love is the Wine" is a treasury filled with priceless items of Sufi wisdom.
ISBN - 13: 978-1935387046 - Hohm Press
By Martin Lings

Martin Lings’ biography of Muhammad is an internationally acclaimed, comprehensive, and authoritative account of the life of the prophet. Based on the sira, the eighth- and ninth-century Arabic biographies that recount numerous events in the prophet’s life, it contains original English translations of many important passages that reveal the words of men and women who heard Muhammad speak and witnessed the events of his life.

Scrupulous and exhaustive in its fidelity to its sources, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources is presented in a narrative style that is easily comprehensible, yet authentic and inspiring in its use of language, reflecting both the simplicity and grandeur of the story it tells. This revised edition includes new sections detailing the prophet’s expanding influence and his spreading of the message of Islam into Syria and its neighboring states. It represents the final updates made to the text before the author’s death in 2005. The book has been published in 12 languages and has received numerous awards, including acknowledgment as best biography of the prophet in English at the National Seerate Conference in Islamabad.
ISBN - 13: 978-1594771538 - Inner Traditions
By Shems Friedlander

Bringing to light previously unpublished material on the sacred music and dance, or "sema," of the Mevlevi Dervishes, extraordinary photography contributes to the explanation of the significance and symbolism of the dress and movement of the dance performed in the Hall of Celestial Sounds.
ISBN - 13: 978-1887752398 - Fons Vitae
By Abd al Qadir al Jilani, Interpreted by Sheikh Tosun Bayrak Al-Jerrahi Al-Halveti

An interpretative translation by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak of Sirr al-Asrar by Hadrat Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani (1077-1166AD), considered by many to be one of the greatest saints of Islam and the eponymous founder of the Qadiriyya order. This book, appearing in English for the first time, contains the very essence of Sufism, giving a Sufi explanation of how the outward practises of Islam—prayer, fasting, almsgiving and pilgrimage—contain a wealth of inner dimension which must be discovered and enjoyed if external actions are to be performed in a manner pleasing to God. When this is achieved the soul finds true peace and the spiritual life becomes complete.
ISBN - 13: 978-0946621293 - Islamic Texts Society
By Ibn al-Husayn al-Sulami, Interpreted by Sheikh Tosun Bayrak Al-Jerrahi Al-Halveti

A highly respected Sufi saint and scholar of the 10th century, Ibn al-Husayn al-Sulami compiled this book as a guide to enlightened behavior for the spiritual aspirant. In its pages, he records the teachings of renowned spiritual masters (available for the first time in English translation) as well as tales and quotations from the Koran and Hadith. The teachings reveal the true meaning of compassion, love, friendship, generosity, and hospitality, as well as the right actions associated with these virtues. According to the Sufis, Futuwwah is a code of honorable behavior that follows the example of the prophets, saints, and sages. By adhering to its precepts, the student learns detachment from the ego. The Way of Sufi Chivalry addresses the reader directly, providing the aspirant of today with living guidance on the path of perfection and the way of Sufism.
ISBN - 13: 978-0892813179 - Inner Traditions
By Sheikh Tosun Bayrak Al-Jerrahi Al-Halveti

Seyh Tosun Bekir Bayraktaroglu ulkenin seckin ailelerinden birine mensup olarak dogan, son derece alafranga bir egitim alan ama tasavvufla tanisinca bambaska bir hayata kavusan bir sanatci. Hikyesini birkac cumleyle ozetlemek gercekten cok zor. Robert Kolej'de gecen genclik yillarinda sosyalist; Bati'da gecen sanat dolu doneminde bohem ve anarsist; Fas'ta gecen ticaret doneminde zengin ve aristokrat; Istanbul'daki Cerrahî tekkesindeyken dervis; New York yillarinda ise seyh. Seyh Tosun Efendi, kendi kaleminden cikan bu hatiratinda, bizi sadece kendi hayatini okumaya degil, Cumhuriyet doneminin tamamini gozden gecirmeye cagiriyor. Cumhuriyet elitlerinden sayilabilecek bir ailede yetisen, Londra'daki genclik yillarinda Bulent ve Rahsan Ecevit, Can Yucel, Ali Neyzi gibi genclerle ayni evi paylasan Tosun Bekir Bayraktaroglu'nun, sonrasinda mistisizm ve Gurciyefci ogretiden gecen yolu nihayet tasavvufa ulasiyor, onu once dervis sonrasinda seyh yapiyor. Son derece samimi, sicak, akici ve okuru bir kez yakaladi mi artik birakmayan bir hikye... Dogu'dan Bati'ya, sonra tekrar Bati'dan Dogu'ya uzanan bir ruh macerasi... 2012'de Turkce baskisiyla okurla bulusan, dikkate deger bir ilgi goren ve TYB'den "Yilin Hatirat Kitabi" odulunu alan Amerika'da Bir Turk kitabi simdi Memoirs Of A Moth adiyla Ingilizcede. (Tanitim Bulteninden)
ISBN - 13: 978-9759161965 - Sufi Kitap
By Sheikh Tosun Bayrak Al-Jerrahi Al-Halveti

Seyh Tosun Bekir Bayraktaroglu ulkenin seckin ailelerinden birine mensup olarak dogan, son derece alafranga bir egitim alan ama tasavvufla tanisinca bambaska bir hayata kavusan bir sanatci. Hikyesini birkac cumleyle ozetlemek gercekten cok zor. Robert Kolej'de gecen genclik yillarinda sosyalist; Bati'da gecen sanat dolu doneminde bohem ve anarsist; Fas'ta gecen ticaret doneminde zengin ve aristokrat; Istanbul'daki Cerrahî tekkesindeyken dervis; New York yillarinda ise seyh. Seyh Tosun Efendi, kendi kaleminden cikan bu hatiratinda, bizi sadece kendi hayatini okumaya degil, Cumhuriyet doneminin tamamini gozden gecirmeye cagiriyor. Cumhuriyet elitlerinden sayilabilecek bir ailede yetisen, Londra'daki genclik yillarinda Bulent ve Rahsan Ecevit, Can Yucel, Ali Neyzi gibi genclerle ayni evi paylasan Tosun Bekir Bayraktaroglu'nun, sonrasinda mistisizm ve Gurciyefci ogretiden gecen yolu nihayet tasavvufa ulasiyor, onu once dervis sonrasinda seyh yapiyor. Son derece samimi, sicak, akici ve okuru bir kez yakaladi mi artik birakmayan bir hikye... Dogu'dan Bati'ya, sonra tekrar Bati'dan Dogu'ya uzanan bir ruh macerasi... 2012'de Turkce baskisiyla okurla bulusan, dikkate deger bir ilgi goren ve TYB'den "Yilin Hatirat Kitabi" odulunu alan Amerika'da Bir Turk kitabi simdi Memoirs Of A Moth adiyla Ingilizcede. (Tanitim Bulteninden)
ISBN - 13: 978-6050813142 - Timas Yayinlari
By Ibn Arabi

lbn 'Arabi (1 165-1240), the twelfth-century Spanish mystic, was considered by many the greatest master of Sufism. His large body of writings includes The Meccan Revelations (in 560 chapters) and The Bezels of Wisdom (exploring aspects of understanding through the lives of the Prophets of Islam). Contained in this volume is his powerful but little-known work, Divine Governance of the Human Kingdom, rendered into English for the first time. In a particularly startling way, the text uses metaphors from worldly politics to illuminate details of the spiritual search. Sheikh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi, working from Ottoman Turkish texts of lbn 'Arabi's works, has rendered this and two shorter texts, What the Seeker Needs and The One Alone, into modern English. In an Epilogue, Sheikh Tosun restates lbn 'Arabi's teachings on Sufi practice and the strict duties binding a disciple to his master. Tosun Bayrak is also the author of an interpretation ofAbd al-Qadir al-Jilani's The Secret of Secrets, a translation of lbn al-Husayn al-Sulami's Way of Sufi Chivalry, and his own The Most Beautiful Names.

"This little book contains vast knowledge of great benefit to all. It is gathered from the gardens of Eden and from divine providence. It is meant to be a guide to believers. There are neither conjectures nor doubts in it. Even if some may find faults in it, they will concede that they are small, fine, and beautiful. I call this book Divine Governance of the Human Kingdom.

"The book is divided into twenty-one chapters. Each section contains instructions for achieving unity, the Lord's gift to humankind. They show how to keep order within the divine order while improving ourselves; how to guide our lives in the right way; how to protect His kingdom, which is the human being, from oblivion; how to rule it in the way that it is meant to be ruled, by the soul that the Lord has placed in it as His deputy. This book is such a fountain that both high and low will be able to quench their thirst by drinking from it. For those who are able co see beneath the evident, there are signs that, if followed, will lead to the Source. For those who see the surface, there are things as plain as could be." - lbn 'Arabi, from Divine Governance of the Human Kingdom
ISBN-13: 978-1887752053 - Fons Vitae
Edited by James Fadiman and Robert Frager, Foreword by Huston Smith

"The Sufis are the mystics of Islam. Every upright Muslim expects to see God after death, but the Sufis arc the impatient ones. They want God now—moment by moment, day by day, in this very life. And they are willing to undergo the disciplines that make that possible. This book presents selections from a multitude of saints and sages whose hearts were opened through the Sufi path." - Huston Smith, from the Foreword

Essential Sufism is the first broad-ranging, accessible exploration of the treasures produced by a faith that has touched a dozen cultures and endured for over fifteen hundred years. Presenting more than three hundred beautiful and inspirational works from all eras of Sufism, from thousand-year-old prayers to contemporary Sufi poetry, this beautiful collection embraces the full diversity of a rich tradition and reveals the heart of Islamic mysticism.

Written by Sufi prophets, saints, and teachers, these luminous stories, fables, and aphorisms help us to see the love and generosity of God in all of creation, and to experience the love for all things that embodies the Sufi's relationship with God. Voicing a passionate faith that aims to soften hearts hardened by daily life and open them to love, the Sufi tradition as illustrated in these pages teaches us to seek the Divine while remaining engaged in the world, to find our opportunities for spiritual growth, awareness, and generosity, and to realize that there is nothing in this world or the next that is not both loved and loving.

Accompanied by a thoughtful introduction and insightful commentary, Essential Sufism will reach the hearts of the faithful and the curious alike. Readers who fell in love with the joyful poems in The Essential Rumi will find Essential Sufism a delightful introduction to such moving writers as lbn al-Arabi, al-Ghazzali, Hafiz, and Attar. Those seeking instruction in the wisdom of this ancient faith will find Essential Sufism an invaluable companion.
ISBN-13: 978-0835607780 - Quest Books
By Robert Frager

Full of Sufi teaching stories, meditations, and engaging self-help exercises, this first book on the inner dimensions of Sufi practice written by a Western psychologist will nourish the heart and soul of everyone seeking personal growth, emotional balance, and spiritual harmony.
ASIN: B00B72CG84 - Harper One
A commentary by Sheikh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

In Inspirations, Shaikh Badruddin interpreted many essential concepts of Islamic spirituality in a very original and personal way which is strikingly relevant today. Melamiyya, or the "path of blame," is an approach to spiritual development within Islamic Sufism that avoids the appearance of piety and challenges the self-satisfaction of the ego. This book includes extensive historical and introductory information revealing the significance of the path of blame as a method for transforming the hypocrisy of the ego and coming to true sincerity.

Shaikh Badruddin of Simawna (d. 1420) was a famous scholar and saint from the European region of the Ottoman realm. He inspired one of the first "people's revolutions" in history.

"It was not my intention to give you any advice, for often the truth is told, and all who hear depart. Only the ones who are destined to hear, hear. I do not speak of my self. It is the truth that speaks, out of compassion. The truth wills none to burn. Someone destitute with pockets full of gems, someone who refuses to put his hands in his pockets, cannot call a tyrant the one who gave him the treasures, and the hands to hold them, and the mind to use them. " From "The Opening" by Kaygusuz Abdal.
ISBN-13: 978-0939660476 - Threshold Books
By Ibn Arabi, translated by Rabia Terri Harris

Journey to the Lord of Power is the first English translation of lbn Arabi's twelfth-century text dealing with spiritual ascent Arabi, whose metaphysical teachings have had a profound influence on both the Muslim and Christian worlds, is known as one of the greatest writers of mystical love poetry of all time. Written in answer to the questions of a friend, this illuminating guide describes the evolutionary path of our higher spiritual aspirations - the quest for the ultimate reality, the journey toward God. It is chiefly concerned with spiritual retreat, an advanced and potentially dangerous Sufi practice that aims at the attainment of the Presence of God through absolute abandonment of the world. Realizing the imagination's deceptive power, 'Arabi warns that this form of retreat should not be undertaken except at the order of a sheikh or by one who has mastered the self. Each stage of the journey is accompanied by a temptation which can be overcome only by an unshakable desire for God.

Arabi explains each step of the ascent leading toward human perfection. In this perilous voyage of self-discovery, the reader will encounter the Realms of the mineral, vegetable, and animal worlds, eventually reaching the Gardens and the Throne of Mercy. The traveler of the Sufi mystic path is called upon to cleanse his or her heart in order to safely reach the final destination - the Lord of Power.
ISBN-13: 978-0892810185 - Inner Traditions
By Sheikh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

Allah, er-Rahmn, er-Rahîm, el-Melik, el-Kuddûs... Allah'in isimleri... Bunlar, Allah'in bizzat kendisinin insanlara ogrettigi isimleridir. Sufiler, bu isimleri ogrenmenin Allah'i tanimanin mukaddimesi olabilecegini soyler ama sunu da eklerler: Asil olan ismi oldugu kadar isimlenen Zt'i tanimaktir. Bu kitabin yazari, onlarca yildir tasavvufi terbiyeyle mesgul olan Tosun Bayrak, tam da bu noktaya dikkat cekiyor: "Insanlar isimleri biliyor ama isimlerin isaret ettigi Musemma'yi bilmiyorlar." Onu dinledikce, sadece isimleri bilivermek musemmayi tanimak degilmis, bunu anliyoruz. Bu calismayi benzerlerinden ayiran onemli farklardan biri, Esmu'l-Husn'nin tasavvufi yorumlarini icermesi. Bu tasavvufi yorumlar sayesinde, isimlerin anlamlari sasirtici bicimde zenginlesiyor, derinlesiyor. Dahasi, eserin bakis acisi, bu isimlerin birer kelime olmaktan cikarak nefsin egitilmesinde nasil rol alabildiklerini, tasavvufi simyanin elinde nasil birer iksire donusebildiklerini gosteriyor.
ISBN-13: 978-9759161712 - Sufi Kitap
By Sheikh Robert Frager al-Jerrahi

Once a woman brought her son to the thirteenth-century Turkish Sufi master Nasruddin complaining that the boy had an uncontrollable sweet tooth. She asked Nasruddin to tell the boy to stop eating sweets. He said to bring him back in four weeks. When they returned he said, “Boy, I order you to stop eating sweets!” The mother asked, “Couldn’t you have said that at the beginning? Why make us wait four weeks?” “No, I couldn’t have said that even two weeks ago,” Nasruddin replied. “Why not?” asked the mother. “Because I love sweets myself. First I had to control my own love for them. Only then could I tell your son to stop eating them.”

That is, words are empty unless backed by experience, says Robert Frager. People will not change until they hear from those who have lived what they teach. Frager has indeed lived his teaching. Founder of the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology in 1975, in 1976 he became a student of the Sufi master Muzaffer Efendi. Since becoming a sheikh in 1985, he has given many sohbets-a Turkish word for the spiritual conversations Sufi teachers hold to inspire their students. The sohbets he presents here are compiled from his talks over the past decade and represent Sufism as it is now practiced in the United States.

Frager believes that the wisdom in such talks flows through the sheikh from his teacher and his teacher’s teacher all the way back to the Prophet Mohammad and God; the sheikh is merely a channel for something greater than any individual. Moreover, these talks are not lectures but rather living connections going both ways between heart and heart. Indeed, the warm, personal immediacy to Frager’s voice is rarely found. Like the tales of Nasruddin, he teaches through colorful anecdote and metaphors. Sufi practice has two sides, he says: one is to develop our love of God; the other is to become less self-centered. We need both, just as a bird needs both wings to fly.
ISBN-13: 978-9759161712 - Sufi Kitap
By Shems Friedlander

Toynak Sesini Duyunca Zebra Gelsin Aklina basligi zimni bir mesaj tasiyor: Artik toynak sesi duyar duymaz at dusunmeyi birak. Shems Friedlander'in bu kitabi sufilerin mecazlariyla sesleniyor; hikiye ve kissalarla icin icindekine ulasiyor. Daimici psikolojiye ait bu rehber kitap, tam da modern zamanlarin gaflet uykusundan berrak ve manali bir hayata uyanmak isteyenler icin. - Daniel Goleman'in takdiminden. 70'li yillarda tasavvuf yoluna giren, Amerikali fotografci, film yapimcisi, ressam ve yazar Shems Friedlander, Toynak Sesini Duyunca Zebra Gelsin Aklina'da klasik tasavvufi sohbet uslubundan ve bu gelenegin vazgecilmez bir unsuru olan dervis menkibelerinden guc alarak modern hayatin rutini icinde bunalmis insana kadim hikmeti hatirlatiyor. Friedlander, hayatin ebedi hakikatlerini aciklayarak hayalle gercegi, kuru bilgiyle irfani ayirt etmeyi; esya ve olaylari yeni bir gozle gormeyi, yeni bir bakisla dusunmeyi, her daim uyanik ve zinde kalmayi tavsiye ediyor.
ISBN-13: 978-6055215248 - Sufi Kitap
By Shems Friedlander

Shems Friedlander has studied with Sufi Shaykhs throughout the Middle East - in Makkah, Madinah, Cairo and Istanbul. Here he presents ancient Sufi teaching stories rooted in the Islamic tradition. With common sense and insightful wit, he addresses questions and problems of contemporary life and awakens our attention to the often overlooked moments that give importance and meaning to our lives. Through the re-telling of classical stories and his own commentary, a pattern unfolds that helps to distinguish knowledge from information, reality from imagination, and makes what seems to lie beyond our perception - understanding and brief - accessible. Our spiritual potential as human beings is realised in "When You Hear Hoofbeats Think of a Zebra".
ISBN-13: 978-0939214068 - Mazda Pub
By Shems Friedlander

"Winter Harvest" is the long-awaited sequel to Shems Friedlander's "When You Hear Hoofbeats Think of a Zebra," now considered a Sufi classic. Friedlander has spent over 40 years in a Sufi order and is now sharing his stories and travels in the winter of his life. 'Winter Harvest' reads like a documentary film of our time. It is a really good book. I learned a lot." - Batul Salazar, British editor.--- "Well written. An insider's memories of Sufism and Islam. It elevates one's spirit and maks you feel that you are sitting with Sufi sheikhs, gurus, Tibetan masters and other teachers who were part of the spiritual energy that moved from the East to the West." -Abdallah Schleifer, Journalist and Middle East expert. Shems Friedlander is the author of nine books. He is a painter, photographer, designer, filmmaker, and educator. After 20 years as Professor of Practice, he is currently Professor Emeritus at the American University in Cairo. He was selected in 2012, 2013, and 2014 as one of the 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World, in the field of art and culture, by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center.
ISBN-13: 978-1495154195 - Safina Books
By Sheikh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

İnsan için derler ki, “gizli hazne”yi bilmek, Rabb’ini bulmak, hâsılı murad edildiği gibi kâmil olmak macerası için bu zemine indi. Kıble’sini Sevgili’ye döndürmek, vechinden gayrısının yok olacağı Hak Teâlâ’ya kul olmak için… Zira rızasından başka matlub, Kendisinden gayrı maksud yoktur.

Bilmeye talip olmak gerek, bulmayı dilemek, olmaya didinmek… İnsanın payına düşen bu. Bir şeyhin elinden tutup ummana dalmaya, vira bismillah… Başı hayır olanın sonu da hayırdır.
ISBN-13: 978-6059778152 - Sufi Kitap
By Sheikh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

“Kalbin, cilalı bir aynadır. Üzerinde biriken toz örtüsünü temizlemelisin, çünkü onun vazifesi ilahî sırların nurunu yansıtmaktır. Kalp âlemlerinin üzerinde, ‘yerin ve göğün nuru olan Allah’ın nuru’ parlamaya başladığında, kalbin çerağı uyanır. Kalbin çerağı; ‘bir fanus içindedir, o fanus da inciye benzer bir yıldız gibidir.’”

Tosun Bekir Bayraktaroğlu’nun sohbetlerinden derlenen Gönül Çerağını Uyandırmak kitabı ruhu hatırlama kıvamında olanlara irfan çerağını işaret ediyor. Ayrıca bir irşad vazifesi de gören bu sohbetler, Hakk’ı hiç unutmadan daima diri kalmak isteyenlere adeta bir davet niteliğinde…
ISBN-13: 978-6059778565 - Sufi Kitap