The Garden of Dervishes

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by Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi

translated from Turkish by Muthar Holland
foreword by Sixtina Friedrich

Sheikh Muzaffer was a master of the ceremony of Dhikrullah, which he conducted in the tradition of the Halveti-Jerrahi Tarikat every Thursday night. Lasting between one to three hours, the ceremony of Remembrance formulates a microscopic mirror of the reality of existence. The motion of the Dhikrullah reflects the revolving of the spheres. In the spiritual dimension the process of centering in Allah and finding Union with Him is described. The ceremony reiterates the stages of Ascent towards being lost in Allah, and the stages of Descent to the plane of manifestation, where one remains subsistent in Allah. Thus the Path to Perfection that the Sufis have vowed to follow is shown in concentrated form in the ceremony of Dhikrullah. -from the foreword.

ISBN 1-879708-03-5 Pir Publications, Inc.1991

Table of Contents

  1. Divine Creation
  2. Human Destiny
  3. Faith, Worship and Morality
  4. Repentance
  5. The Degrees of Knowledge
  6. The Degrees of Renunciation
  7. The Importance of Dreams
  8. Outer Cleanliness and Inner Purity
  9. The Tariqa in Islam
  10. Shari'a, Tariqa, Haqiqa and Ma'rifa
  11. The Exercise of Independent Judgement
  12. The Role of the Spiritual Guide
  13. The Seven Degrees of Affection
  14. The Human Elements And the Laws of Celestial Motion
  15. The Five Spirits: Arwah
  16. The Four Gates and The Fourty Stations on the Way of Truth
  17. Telli Baba
  18. Holy Sites where Supplications Are Accepted
  19. How to Conduct Oneself when visiting The Tombs of Saints