Ramadan 1420 - 3
My Dear Companions on the Path to Truth, As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.
If we were asked, or better still if we would ask ourselves: "Why do we fast during the month of Ramadan?", I … more
My Dear Companions on the Path to Truth, As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.
If we were asked, or better still if we would ask ourselves: "Why do we fast during the month of Ramadan?", I … more
All thanks and praise to Allah Most High that once again He has permitted us to realize the blessed month of Ramadan altogether. And we pray that this month which the Beloved of Allah has said is the … more
One day Hatem-i Zahid (ks) came to visit Asim Ibn Yusuf (ks). When Asim asked him, “Have you been able to do your salat properly?” he answered: “Yes. I hope so!” Then Asim asked him to tell … more
My Dear Companions on the Path to Truth,
As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.
Allah Most High says,
"Compete with each other in helping the one's in need. Spend for Allah's sake of the … more
My Dear Companions on the Path to Truth,
Allah Most High says:
“O You faithful, fasting is ordered for you as it was ordered for those before you, SO THAT YOU MAY GUARD AGAINST EVIL.”
The last … more
"...the pilgrimage to the Holy House is an obligation which man owes to Allah, for the man who has the ability to find his way to it..." The Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Imran: 96
Know that "the form" … more
‘Umra is a “Sunneti Muekkeda”- according to Hanefis, a supererogatory act of worship seldom omitted by our Prophet (saws). According to Imam Shafi, it is a “fard’i ayn, an … more
Bismillah ir-rahman ir-rahim
‘Umrah 1427
… the pilgrimage to the Holy House is an obligation which man owes to Allah; for the man who has the ability to find his way to it…” (Surah Al-i ‘ … more
DH the voiced th of "this."
TH the unvoiced th of "thing."
D a very soft d. … more
(companions) You and your sharik(s) should be totally accountable for each other. You must know at all times exactly where your partner is. You are responsible for each others’ health and … more