Virdi Saghir
Virdi Saghir Booklet
Virdi Saghir Arabic
Virdi Saghir Arabic & Turkish
Wirdi Saghir Hafiz Murat Transliteration
Virdi Saghir (Hafiz Murat) … more
Virdi Saghir Booklet
Virdi Saghir Arabic
Virdi Saghir Arabic & Turkish
Wirdi Saghir Hafiz Murat Transliteration
Virdi Saghir (Hafiz Murat) … more
In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Allah! This name invoke we in beginning, For this is ever due from us, his servants.
Allah ! The name which brings to all … more
The Turkish word rağbet is of Arabic origin, and it comes from the same root -- ragaba -- as the words margūb, targīb, rāgıb, rāgiba, and raghāib. Rağbet has meanings such as; to … more
Regaib Kandili
Thursday Evening, 4/7/16
This prayer for the month of Rajab is done on the eve of the 1st Friday, between the evening and night prayers. It is a prayer of 12 rakats done in sets of … more
In the Name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful
There are two forms of prayer. The first is personal prayer. For this there are no … more
During Ramadan, one of our duties should be to reflect, and to see if we are dominated by our Ruhi Haywani, our animal soul, or if we are truly human and guided by our Ruhi Insani, our human soul. … more
Ramadan 1432
For those whose eyes of the heart are opened, one day of the blessed month of Ramadan is worth a thousand months. A thousand months is a whole long human life. So it seems appropriate … more
One of our dervishes asked: I have seen in me these last days of Ramadan, principally in my thoughts, an aspect which says to me: "Look how responsible you are, doing all these … more
During Ramadan, one of our duties should be to reflect, and see if we are dominated by our Ruhi Hayvani, our animal soul, or if we are truly human and guided by our Ruhi Insani, human soul.
Our … more