Contents tagged with heedfulness
Tosun Baba's Sohbet (January 17, 2015) - Remember Allah hu ta'ala and His Mercy
Tosun Baba's Sohbet - January 17, 2015
Allah hu ta'ala promises to show us every good and bad deed on the day of yawmi id-din, but also that His mercy far exceeds His wrath. He also says He is as … more
Tosun Baba's Jum`ah Khutba (January 16, 2015) - How often are we aware of Allah's presence?
Tosun Baba's Jum`ah Khutba - January 16, 2015
Allah hu ta'ala tells us He is as we think of Him. How often do we think of Him at all? He also tells us that we will see every good and bad deed we … more
Jum'ah Khutba January 16 2015 -How often are we aware of Allah's presence?