Tosun Baba's Letter On Muzaffer Efendi's Passing
Upon our Efendi’s meeting his Lord and our delivering him to his permanent place within the tomb of Hazrati Pir – in the wing across from Fahreddin Efendi, on the right-hand side as you face … more
Upon our Efendi’s meeting his Lord and our delivering him to his permanent place within the tomb of Hazrati Pir – in the wing across from Fahreddin Efendi, on the right-hand side as you face … more
Up until about the last 100 years, there was no electricity or mechanical transportation. Traveling a few hundred miles used to take days, if not months. Communication was limited to the … more
Article Summary: From the Irsahd by Shaykh Muzzafer Ozak al Jerrahi
Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna went hunting one day. He picked up the tracks of a deer. For many hours he rode in pursuit. At length they reached a riverbed, where the deer turned round and looked at … more
Article Summary: An adaptation of a poem by Ahmed Rindi Karasems (ra) by Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi
O Lord, since You chased me from Your garden I have chased one and all from Your pardon! Free to live while life is here begotten I’ve tempted all. Not one has been forgotten The believer, the … more
Article Summary: Hutba on the occasion of the Eid al-Adha, reflecting on the meaning of fasting and of making a kurban. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi
Salamun alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu, ya ‘Ibadillah.‘Id Mubarak.Amongst a billion and a half muslims, and millions of muslims today at the Kaaba, and even amongst us, there must be at least … more
Bismillah ir Rahman ir Rahim
Our brothers and sisters in Singapore, on the other side of the globe, have asked us to speak to them on some of the problems of the modern world and how the Muslims … more
Article Summary: A detailed description of the qualities informing each level of the nafs (the self). Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi- Adapted from Ibrahim Hakki Erzurumi (ks)
Allah says:
“I was a hidden treasure, I loved to be known, so I created the creation.”
Then out of … more
Article Summary: Discourse on the secrets of Khidr's (as) teachings, including an interpretation of the story of Moses (as) and Khidr (as) from Surah Kahf. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi, adapted from Hd. Pir Niyazi Misri al-Halwati(ks)
Allah Most High, without mentioning his name, describes Khidr in the Holy Qur’an as:
…one of Our servants whom We have granted mercy from Us and whom We have taught knowledge from Ourselves. ( … more
Article Summary: Discourse on the inner meaning and qualities of the month of Ramadan; advice on how to truly observe the fast; descriptions of the blessings of hunger. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi, including excerpts from The Risala of Hd. Kushayri (On Hunger and the Abandonment of Natural Desire)
Allahu Teala says in the Quran al-Karim "shahru Ramadan alladhiy unzila fiyhil Quran." The holy Quran, the true life for a Muslim, nay, for all humankind, was bestowed upon us in the month of Ramadan. … more
Article Summary: Discourse on the nature of the soul, and how to prepare for and to understand the hereafter. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi
Recently, after the death of his father, one of us asked me of death and of the Hereafter. We must not wait to think of death until someone we love dies. We must not try to forget death even after we … more