Contents tagged with Article

  • Elements Given to All Human Beings

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    Discourse on the parts of the "I", and the divine elements of our birthright. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    This is a time of reflection, also to remind ourselves that we should reflect every day, without being reminded by losing someone we loved. Do we have to have such pain to be reminded that there is … more

  • A Sufi Shaykh Describes His Voyage through Seven Cities

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    An allegorical story of the levels of the nafs, including guidance for the straight path from one who has traveled the road. From Safer Efendi (ra), adapted by Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi, from Hd. Pir Naqshband (ks)

    My dear children and companions on the path to truth, my beloved on the path of love, may Allah's blessings, peace, love, and compassion be upon you and around you. Neither this faqir nor you have … more

  • The Human Soul (Zul-Qidah 1421)

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    Discourse on the soul as the connection to Allah, and how to recognize its light. Rawdat al-Talibin by Hd. Imam al-Ghazali (ks), adapted byTosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    Allah Most High says in the Holy Qur'an (15:26-29) that when He created man from black mud and fashioned him into the beautiful shape of a human being, and made him complete, HE BREATHED INTO MAN HIS … more

  • The Soul, the Ego and the Will

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    How submission to Allah's will is Islam, and how men are confused about free will. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

                Man, in fact all and everything, has three aspects: essence, attributes, and actions.

                If we wish to describe a person (or a thing) we might start with its shape and form and … more

  • The Gift of Spiritual Love (Rajab, 1421)

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    Discourse on the nature of love for Allah, and a description of four levels of worship. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    Allah says in a divine tradition:

                    I was a hidden treasure; I loved to be known so I created the creation.

    That Love is Allah’s love for Himself, and all creation is created from … more

  • On Arrogance and Humility

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    Discourse on the true cause of arrogance, the dangers of arrogance, and different aspects of humility. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    Arrogance is a state in which we are convinced that we have the right to be above others. Justified self-admiration without comparing ourselves to others and feeling superior is not the same thing. … more

  • The Value of Remembering Death

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    Article Summary:

    How to remember death, how to prepare for death, and what awaits us after the grave. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    When Hazreti Muhammad (s.a.v.s) was about to leave this world he announced his close departure to the companions, and added that he would leave behind two great teachers to continue his work- a … more

  • The Purpose of the Creation of Humanity (19 Sha'ban, 1428)

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    Article Summary:

    Discourse on how to understand "I was a hidden treasure..." and "Allah created man in His own image..." Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    A Ramadan Gift

    19 SHa`baan 1428                                                                              September 1, 2007

    When Allah the Almighty Creator said wa kuntu kanzan makhfiyyan fa … more

  • The Importance of the Tenth of Muharram

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    Article Summary:

    Explanation of why this is a sacred and important day, and advice on how to observe it. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    "Surely the number of months with Allah are twelve months,

    by Allah’s ordinance, since the day when He created the heavens

    and the earth. Of these four are sacred." (Bara’t, 9:36)

    The first month … more

  • The Inner Self and the Outer Self

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    Advice from Resulallah (saws), from Hadiths, from Hd. Abdul-Qadir Gaylani (ks) on how to be a true human being; what to do and what not to do in order to stay attached to the Hereafter and not be beguiled by the Here. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    Oh the seeker who wishes to learn the chemistry of secrets and follow the path of the ones who have found salvation! If you wish to know yourself, know that the One who created you has created you … more