Contents tagged with Article

  • Rasulallah (saws)

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    Article Summary:

    A discourse on the occasion of the Miraj (Ascension), and a description of the Prophet's (saws) person, behavior, habits, duas, and deeds.Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    My dear children, the pleasure of my task in this world, my generous companions on the path to truth: On the occasion of this day of remembrance, when our beloved Prophet (s.a.w.s) was lifted to … more

  • The Grace of Death (adapted from Hd. Ibrahim Hakki)

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    Article Summary:

    Numerous hadiths on death, as well as instructions and cautions about the temporality of the world, the miracle of death, and the liberation of the soul. adapted from Hd. Ibrahim Hakki Erzerumi's (ks) Marifetname by Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    Allah Most High, says in the Holy Quran:

    "Surely we give life and cause to die and to Us is the eventual coming."   (50/43)

    "The death from which you flee, will surely overtake you, then you will … more

  • Remember Allah, and Show Gratitude

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    Article Summary:

    Discourse on remembering Allah and not being distracted by the world. All there is to be done in this life is to love our Lord. What else is there to love but Him? Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi


                Oh Dear Friend!  

                Surely your soul now placed in your living heart has seen and known its Creator. When it was in the realm of the souls, before it entered your body it … more

  • Everyday Islam

    Tags: Article



    These pages were written in response to the question of a friend: What is it like to live as a Muslim? There was nothing to read on the topic, she said—only … more

  • On the Raising of Children- Imam al- Ghazali (ks)

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    Article Summary:

    From Book 22 of al-Ghazali's greatest work, the Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya’ ‘ulum al’din). A discourse on how to raise children properly and cultivate their good character, including both practical and spiritual advice. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    An exposition of the way in which young children should be disciplined, and the manner of their upbringing and the improvement of their character.

    Know that the way in which young children are … more

  • Know, Find and Be

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    Article Summary:

    Discourse on the value of love, and on the nature of Allah's creation: the three divine elements in the creation correspond to the three divine elements in the oneness of Allah that are responsible for the act of creation. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    My dear children, the light of my eyes, the joy of my heart, my companions on the path of truth: May we love each other, care for each other and learn from each other, for it is easier to listen to … more

  • The Meaning of Dying Before Dying

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    Article Summary:

    Discourse including Quranic references, Hadiths regarding Allah's Oneness, and how knowledge of the self and of Allah can lead one to Truth. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    He who thinks of himself as other than Allah is certainly not other than He, because Allah Most High is free of all existence except His Divine Essence. All, visible and invisible, that exists in Him, … more

  • The Value of Contempt

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    Article Summary:

    A wise dervish describes his inner striving, and how he welcomed contempt. from The Discovery of the Veiled to the Lord of Hearts by Data Gench Bahsh Lahuri al-Jullabi al-Hujwiri (d. 1072) Adapted by Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    In the Path, there is no taint or veil more difficult to remove than self-esteem, and popularity does more than any other one thing to deter human nature from seeking to come to God.


    The … more

  • The Signs of Being a True Servant of Allah, and the Nature of True Knowledge

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    Article Summary:

    A saint by the name of Basri tells how he wished to study with Imam Ja’far al‐Sadiq (R.A.), and what that learned descendant of the Prophet (saws) advised him. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi, from Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak Al-Jerrahi

    Our Efendi said:

    Bismillah ir‑Rahman ir‑Rahim

    A saint by the name of Basri tells:

    I had studied long years under Malik ibn Anas. I heard that the Imam Ja’far al‑Sadiq (r.a.) the honored member … more

  • The Foundation of Islam is Good Adab

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    Article Summary:

    Many Quranic references, Hadith, and explanations on the value of rightful behavior. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    "I have come to complete the beauties of good behavior."

    Hazreti Mohammed (SAS)

    Good behavior, adab, includes the accounting of conscience as well as all the potential of evolution in the … more