Contents tagged with Article

  • Lessons for Living

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    Article Summary:

    Eight Essential Lessons Hd. Hatemi Asam (ks) learned from his teacher, Hd. Shakik al-Belhi (ks). Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    Hd. Hatemi Asam (ks) is one of the early wali’ullah (saint) from Khorasan who lived in the early part of the third century Hijri. Asam means deaf, although neither the ears of his head nor the ears … more

  • Whoever Opposes His Shaykh Cannot Continue on His Path

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    Using many historical examples, wise descriptions of subtle ways to be obedient to one's teacher. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

                Allah Most High, in the story of Moses (as) and Khidr (as), said, “Moses said to him [Khidr], Shall I follow you so that you will give me good guidance out of what you know?” (Surah Kahf 1 … more

  • The Inner Meaning of the Adhan (the call to prayer)

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    Discourse on the true meaning of the adhan, and the difference between the zahid and the arif. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi, from the Waridat of Shaykh Simaveni and the Ma'rifah of Shaykh Erzerumi (ks)

    All praise is due to Allah that He has made it a practice for us Muslims, following the example of our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.s.), to recite the adhan before the five daily prayers.

    Five … more

  • How Hd. Umar (ra) Embraced Islam

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    The story of how the companion of the Prophet (saws) came to faith.

    After Muhammed, saws, declared that he was a prophet, more and more people became Muslims and many of them were from his own tribe, the Quraysh.  Umar was a young man at this time and believed in … more

  • Divine Breath

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    Discourse on seven divine qualities of Allah, and how they relate to living and speaking, in human beings and in all of existence. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

                The attributes with which Allah identifies Himself are seven. He is Living, Knowing, Willing, Doing, Seeing, Hearing, and Speaking. The Creator of Reality has placed in His creations … more

  • Whatever is in the Heavens and the Earth is in the Human Being from Birth

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    A discourse on self-knowledge and the knowledge of Allah: "Know that the truth of knowledge is whatever you learn is knowledge of yourself. Whatever you find outside has a corresponding equal in you. 'He who knows himself, knows his Lord.' Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi, adapted from Hd. Hajji Bektash Wali (ks)

    Recently we have talked about intelligence and knowledge:

    Intelligence is a great gift of Allah which He offered to Adam as a sign of his forgiveness.  It is the sign of man which distinguishes … more

  • Islamic Marriage Ceremony

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    Instructions on the proper way to conduct the marriage ceremony. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    Allah, most high, addressing His Messenger and all Muslims says:

    ‘Marry those among you who are single and those who are fit to marry

    amongst those upon whom you have influence, man or woman … more

  • The Prophet (saws) Answers a Bedouin's Questions

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    Advice on how to live properly. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    In a hadith related by Enes ibn Malik r.a.:

         A bedouin came to Resulullah, saws.   Giving his  salutations, he said  that he had some questions and begged him to answer them.  He asked:

         “I … more

  • Conditions for Being a Dervish

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    An allegorical story showing how one must control one's tongue, one's hands, and one's desires. Tosun Bayrak al -Jerrahi

    There was a man who had a friend who was a dervish, and this man very much wanted to take hand with his friend’s shaykh. One day, he asked his friend to talk to the shaykh on his behalf.  The … more

  • Shaytan and the Bull- a moral story

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    How the Shaytan works among us

    Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi


                There was a man who was very rich, had a beautiful house and acres of land. His most beloved possession was a prize bull. He loved it so much, he had it staked in the front … more