Contents tagged with Article

  • Seven Levels of Being (Zul-Qi'dah 1420)

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    A description of the seven levels of human spiritual development. Adapted from the Marifetname of Hd. Ibrahim Hakki Erzerumi (ks) 1703-1780 by Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi (Different version from article above titled "Explication of the Seven Levels of the Nafs")

     From the beginning of our entrance into the school of Sufism, we have been taught about the seven levels of being. These seven levels are like grades in any educational system which one must pass … more

  • The Farewell Sermon of the Prophet at Hajj

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    from Haykal's "The Life of Muhammad" and Lings "Muhammad"

    O men, listen well to my words, for I do not know whether I shall meet you again on such an occasion in the future.

    O Men, your lives and your property shall be inviolate until you meet your Lord.  … more

  • Everyone will taste death: Kullu Nafsin Dhaiqatul Mawt

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    Guidance for preparation of the body for burial, the proper aspects of a Muslim funeral, and particular funeral rituals for dervishes. Thoughts on death and the hereafter. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    Rasulullah says: “Men are asleep, they will wake up when they are dead.” He also says:

    “The faithful do not die, they simply move from this world to the hereafter.” At the end of this life one … more

  • On Dhikr

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    The literal Arabic meaning of the word dhikr is, “to remember, to bear in mind, to mention.” The term has come to be used by the Sufis for the litany of praise of Allah in their ceremonies of … more

  • How To Be a True Servant of Allah

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    Written on the occasion of the first anniversary of September 11, a discourse on what the Muslim's attitude towards creation should be. Tosun Bayrak al -Jerrahi

    My dear children, my companions on the path to Truth.

    To know oneself is to see the truth. To see oneself only is blindness. The one who knows himself comes closer both to the Creator and to all … more

  • The Way to Love Allah (6/2/2002)

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    Discourse on the nature of love and the value of community. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    O my dearest children,

    By now you know, and you are wise, and you have to realize that we must have only one goal in this life, and that is to love God. The way to achieve this goal is by being … more

  • The Nature and Purpose of Self-Discipline (Riyazet)(7 Shawwal 1422)

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    Reflections on the benefits of fasting in Ramadan, and the benefits of opposing the ego. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    We have just finished our fast during the blessed month of Ramadan. May Allah Most High accept your efforts, and may your experience with austerity leave some beneficial trace on your days after … more

  • Speech delivered after September, 11, 2001

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    Yurdaer Al-Jerrahi

    In the name of God Most Merciful, Most Compassionate

    We believe and cherish that all human beings in this world, regardless of gender, race, nation, or religion, are blessed with three beautiful … more

  • Life is a Continuous Test

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    Discourse on the nature of tyranny, and on one must fight fire with the water of compassion. Tosun Bayrak al -Jerrahi

    Allah Most High says in the Holy Qur’an: When thy Lord said to the angels, “I am going to place a ruler on Earth (whose name is Adam), the angels said, “Will You place in it someone who will make … more

  • Adaptation from Farid ud-din Attar's The Conference of the Birds (Mantiqu't-Tair)

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    Exposition on Attar's seven valleys the believer must pass through in order to become one with Allah. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    Oh the one who knows the road, we cannot foresee the end of this voyage, full of dangers and failures and fears. Tell us, how much longer must we strive?

    There are only seven valleys through which … more