Contents tagged with Article

  • Advice Following the Passing of Shaykh Safer Efendi (ra) (March 1999)

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    Article Summary:

    Hd. Abdul Qadir Gaylani (ks) adapted by Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    My dear companions on the path to Truth, Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

    We thank you for the fine feelings you have expressed on the passing of our shaykh Safer Efendi.

    Our … more

  • Eulogy for Safer Efendi (ra) (3/1/1999)

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    Article Summary:

    Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi


    My dear companions on the Path to Truth, Selamun Alaykum,

    Allah’s constant lover and loyal servant, loving son of the Beloved of Allah, beloved of our Pir Hazreti … more

  • How to Live in this World

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    Article Summary:

    Advice to the believer on how prepare for the next world while living in this world. "The heart which is attached to the world is sick. It could only be cured when it is cleansed of the love of this world." Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    Be always fearful of losing the love and care of your Lord and be pious.  Piety is not to be interested and to turn one’s back on what seems beautiful in this world.  Resulallah says:  “The love of … more

  • Words of Wisdom from Shaykh Safer Efendi (ra)

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    Article Summary:

    Advice to dervishes on the Path, as told to Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    My Dear Children,

    As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

    Many years ago, one of the nights when we stayed up till morning, our shaykh Safer Efendi gave me some “pearls of wisdom” to ponder … more

  • 'Ilm (Knowledge) and Hikma (Wisdom)

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    Article Summary:

    Ayats, Hadiths, and words from Hd. Birgivi (ks) on the meaning and value of knowledge. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi


    Allah grants wisdom to whom He pleases.  And whoever is granted wisdom, he indeed is given a great good. (Bakarat 269)

    Are those who know and who know not, alike?  (Zumer 9)

    Those of … more

  • Reflections on Love

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    Article Summary:

    Discourse on the Mawlud-i-Nabi, explaining the inner meanings of the hadith: "I was made to love three things from your world: women, perfume, and the comfort of my eye is in salat." Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    July 22, 1994

    From Tosun Baba to his Ihvan:

    The following I relate for my daughters and my sons, and that which has to be between them:

    I read that the truth of Muhammad (saws) comes from … more

  • The Cleansing of the Heart (11/30/1990)

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    Article Summary:

    Discourse on Allah's creation of the human being of coarse materials , and the soul from divine Light. The soul was to be the master, the rider and the body of the horse. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    Dear companions on the path to Truth,

    May Allah's peace, blessings, love and compassion be upon you and your families.

    May Allah Most High make my words heard and be effective.

    Allah has … more

  • Jewels of Our Eyes

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    Article Summary:

    Discourse on the importance of children, and the obligation of parents to teach their children good morals and behavior. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi

    "Our Lord, grant us from our wives righteous children to be jewels of our eyes and make us leaders for those who love and fear you."


    Allah calls your children the jewels of your eyes. The … more

  • Staying on the Path (8/29/1987)

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    Article Summary:

    Advice on how to persevere on the spiritual path, and avoid the weight of attachment to the world. Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi- adapted from Maktubati Kaylani

    Oh, Dear Friend

    When lust (all those desires which feed your ego) calls you, or people or things which are the pimps of lust, friends to have “fun” with, games, alcohol, etc., call upon you, then … more

  • Yakin - Certainty

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    Wa 'abud rabbaka hatta yatiyakal yakin"

    “And serve thy Lord until there comes to you that which is certain.”

                                 (al‑Hijr 99)

         Some say that the word "yakin" – … more